Top 3 Ingredients to Give You Energy This Holiday Season

’Tis the season for holiday parties galore, late night shopping, and well lets be honest…stress. Energy levels are at a low and day dreaming of snuggling up on the coach is at an all time high!

At Live Pure – especially during this time of year we can’t function without our superfood lattes and the Energy Bundle!

It’s times like these where their sustainable powerhouse ingredients keep us motivated and excited to conquer the holiday craze. Fun fact: our ingredients are flash-frozen! Which means that we get all of our ingredients at the peak of ripeness to preserve nutrients, not when they’ve been in a truck for weeks before being placed in the grocery store. We’re all about quality when it comes to you babes!

Top 3 Energizing Ingredients

  1. Maca – increases energy levels, vitality & endurance, reduces anxiety & stress. *aka very essential to our sanity lol
  2. Cacao Nibs – mood enhancer, high in magnesium & improves muscle structure, increases energy & awareness. *makes a for GREAT smoothie bowl topping
  3. Dates – high in fiber, antioxidant & promotes brain health, rich in vitamins that increase energy levels. *the perfect natural sweetener. If you ever need to sweeten up life a little bit, a date is never a bad idea